Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Rose Bowl, Parade and stuff.

Okay, I'm a fair-weathered football fan. I'll be the first to admit it. If the Bears are having a good year, or if they are on Monday Night Football, I'm there. Well, not there, there in front of the telly. I watched the Missouri Bearcats (the college my sister professes at...okay, not the correct wording, sue me) when they were vying for whatever championship they were vying for. And today, I'll be watching the Rose Bowl game because U of I (Illinois) made it this year. I am so out of the College football loop, I didn't even know they were anywhere near contention (is that even the right word) until a month ago. To which my eldest daughter exclaimed, "Duh, ma!" Far more sports-minded than me, obviously.

Sports-minded daughter.

Not like I have any affiliation with the Uni. I'm not an alumnus (or is that "alumni"), unless sporting hangovers from dorm parties count. Prior mentioned sister spent many a year at U 0f I. I loved the atmosphere of the place, but I really doubt I could have survived even a year of intense academia.

Right now, I am watching the Rose Bowl Parade. I noticed that some of the floats this year have integrated minor pyrotectnics to thier displays. Fireworks. Rolling structures covered in dried flowers and grains. Does something seem just not right with this picture? Hmmmm...I smell popcorn...

Oh, and by the way...It's the New Year. I'll let you decide whether or not you want it to be happy. It's still too early for me to decide one way or the other.

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