Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why I Blog #87

...because I can't juggle cats.

In all seriousness, this question has been popping up a lot lately.

"Why do you do it? What's it all about, this blogging thing?"


It doesn't bring me money, or fame, or even a large amount of notice. My reader base is small, my subjects range from the inane to the personal. Some may even say I'm somewhat "glurgy". Mostly, my blog is words, ideas, pictures in my head that need a way out, or the filing cabinet that is the contents of my brain will topple over, spilling out all it's misfiled information onto my cerebral cortex, where they will short out my neural pathways, causing a fire.

Spontaneous combustion is never a good thing.

In other words, blogging is an outlet, somewhat artistic since I take a thought and flesh it out, like dabbing on details to a painting or adding a few spices here and there to a stew. I may take liberties, but not in a James Frey kind of way. My blogging is more literary (I dare say) that an "Oh, by the way, I bought a new pair of Jimmy Choos today" fashion.

See what I did there? I took liberty in that last sentence because me in a pair of Jimmy Choos would be like me laid up in the hospital in a body cast. No, wait, that is exactly what me in a pair of Jimmy Choos would be like because that would be the end result.

So, short of said money-fame-notoriety, I do get something out of blogging. It's the little kid in me, stomping my feet, sticking out my lower lip and demanding, "Look at ME!"

You are looking, aren't you?

Also, it possibly may be little baby steps towards a writing career. At this rate, I'll be that ninety year old lady just publishing her first book. But that way, maybe the editors will be kind to me.

*This is number 87 in a series of "Why I Blog" post, which may or may not have 86 previous entries.


  1. Also, it possibly may be little baby steps towards a writing career.

    Now you're talking! But lose the word "glurgy." It has derailed many a promising career.

  2. Oh, yeah, and this is from the man who used the word, "Blushy". Way to go, Skippy.
